Monday, 27 January 2014

The London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony

The London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony was about representing London as a multi-cultural city full of a vast variation of ethnic groups and diverse cultures. The ceremony consisted of scenes with a mixed variety of actors and dancers. The ceremony portrays Britain through a visual timeline. 

The Olymics opening ceremony goes againsts Frantz Fanons racism theories as his theory represents African Americans as "gangsters" or "Pimps" whereas the ceremony represents the characters as hardworking individuals. However, the ceremony also portrays the characters as wearing "white masks" as the family itself looks too staged. In modern society two different ethnic groups around a table is too normal and too staged and therefore portrays families living in Britain as "putting on the white mask". In terms of Fanons theory, the characters represented in the ceremony are seen as too ideal and exaggerates how accepting Britain actually is. 

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