The Virtual Revolution
Broadcasted on the BBC
BBC - to inform, educate and entertain audiences
PSB - public service broadcaster
paid for through the TV licence
A trusted source for information
Africa... the story of the web
- Digital divide decreasing
- Looked upon as good as well as bad
- The web has impacted society ...this has changed the way in which we live
- Ushahidi --> weak and vulnerable are protected
It has 65 million users a month however some question the accuracy of the information on Wikipedia as people are able to edit pages and information as well as some things on Wikipedia could be biased.
The binary oppositions on Wikipedia challenge authority as there is no set person in charge of regulating this website.
Website which allows sharings of music illegally for free (P2P)
Changed the music industry
First illegal downloading website
copyright, patient and design act
Youtube was founded in feb 2005 and its first video went up in the same year. Its a video streaming website which allows users to watch, comment, like, favourite and upload video content.
Gets more than a billion views/visits a day
"providing opportunities not available before"
"old hierarchys still there just scrambling to take control"
The huffington post
--->The huffington post is a free website
--->Represents an old fashioned paper
---> Arianna huffington "Gate Keeper"
"captures the hybrid future...includes millions of voices"
Changed the music industry
First illegal downloading website
copyright, patient and design act
Youtube was founded in feb 2005 and its first video went up in the same year. Its a video streaming website which allows users to watch, comment, like, favourite and upload video content.
Gets more than a billion views/visits a day
"providing opportunities not available before"
"old hierarchys still there just scrambling to take control"
The huffington post
--->The huffington post is a free website
--->Represents an old fashioned paper
---> Arianna huffington "Gate Keeper"
"captures the hybrid future...includes millions of voices"
Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Englishman) ---> Inventor of the world wide web
- says the internet is.... "connecting humanity"
Bill Gates...
- "How mankind communicates"
- "Its all about letting people share information
Al Gore...
- "...empowering tool"
- " exciting and revolutionary prospect"
Steven Fry...
- "An extraordinary invention"
- "extraordinary"
John Perry-Barlow...
- "a civilisation online" --> making money online
Aleks Krotosk...
Quotes based on the web...
- "the web is inventing society"
- "is the web unequal because it mirrors the heirachy of the real world"
- "a space without relies and regulation would be equal"
- "Lack of regulation"
- "levelled access to communications"
- "business models have been completely challenged and changed...physical products have no value...and industries have less power"
- "paradiym shift on par with the printing press" --> description of the internet
- "a space without rules and regulation would be equal" ---> lack of regulation
- "is the web unequal because it mirrors the hierarchy of the real world"
- "the web clashes with power"
- "is the web inventing society"
Other information and keywords...
- Freedom
- Libertarianism (1960's)
- 2 billion users online
- Freedom/empowers audiences VS. spying/government gaining information/ censorship
- Web allows anyone access to information, send messages and have their say
- 35 million people online everyday (uk)
- 18 million people online everyday
- 40% of men watch online pornography
- "the well" was the first form/concept of social networking --> influenced Twitter, Facebook, Myspace ect...
- Hypertext ----> the linking of documents onlines
- HTML ----> Hyper Text Mark-up Language
- The US Military created the internet in the 1960's but wasn't available for the general public until later on in time
- The world wide web (www.) started off free therefore business men made it possible to make money from this. ---> resists authority and is controlling
- First web page created in 1991
- Google ---> searched 38 million times a month
- Amazon ---> searched 16 millions times a month
- Ebay ---> searched 21 million times a month
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