Monday, 30 September 2013

Some papers want to stop the presses: others might close the browser first

Going web-only is salvation for some, the end for others: but some believe paper might outlast the 'traditional' desktop internet

Newsweek: a bleak future after abandoning print for digital.
A lot of speculation is going about based upon how relevant newspapers are. In fact, newspapers are becoming less and less popular and majority of people get their news from online sources. according to statistics 97

The rise and rise of UGC

Is reality becoming more real? The rise and rise of UGC
Sara Mills explores the rise of the citizen journalist and considers the impact of user-generated content on news stories, the news agenda, and the role of the professionals.
Once, it was all quite simple…the big institutions created the news and broadcast it to a variously passive and receptive audience. Now new technologies mean that the audience are no longer passive receivers of news. The audience have become ‘users’ and the users have become publishers. Audiences now create their own content. We are in the era of user generated content (UGC) where the old divide between institution and audience is being eroded.
Key to this change has been the development of new technologies such as video phones and the growth of the internet and user-dominated sites. Both who makes the news and what makes the news have been radically altered by this growth of media technologies and the rise of the ‘citizen journalist’.
We first felt the effects of the new technologies way back in 1991. Video cameras had become more common and more people could afford them…unfortunately for four Los Angeles police officers! Having caught Rodney King, an African-American, after a high speed chase, the officers surrounded him, tasered him and beat him with clubs. The event was filmed by an onlooker from his apartment window. The home-video footage made prime-time news and became an international media sensation, and a focus for complaints about police racism towards African-Americans. Four officers were charged with assault and use of excessive force, but in 1992 they were acquitted of the charges. This acquittal, in the face of the video footage which clearly showed the beatings, sparked huge civil unrest. There were six days of riots, 53 people died, and around 4000 people were injured. The costs of the damage, looting and clear-up came in at up to a billion dollars. If George Holliday hadn’t been looking out of his apartment window and made a grab for his video camera at the time Rodney King was apprehended, none of this would have happened. King’s beating would be just another hidden incident with no consequences. The film footage can be still be viewed. Try looking on YouTube under ‘What started the LA riots.’ But be warned – it makes for very uncomfortable viewing, and even today, it is easy to see why this minute and half of blurry, poor-quality film had such a huge impact.
This was one of the first examples of the news being generated by ‘ordinary people,’ now commonly known as ‘citizen journalists’, ‘grassroots journalists’, or even ‘accidental journalists’. As technology improved over the years, incidents of this kind have become more and more common. Millions of people have constant access to filming capability through their mobiles, and footage can be uploaded and rapidly distributed on the internet. The power to make and break news has moved beyond the traditional news institutions.
It is not only in providing footage for the news that citizen journalists have come to the forefront. UGC now plays a huge role in many aspects of the media. Most news organisations include formats for participation: message boards, chat rooms, Q&A, polls, have your says, and blogs with comments enabled. Social media sites are also built around UGC as seen in the four biggest social networking sites: Bebo, MySpace, YouTube and Facebook. People also turn to UGC sites to access news: Wikipedia news, Google news and YouTube score highly in terms of where people go to get their news.
The natural disaster of the Asian Tsunami on December 26th 2004 was another turning point for UGC. Much of the early footage of events was provided from citizen journalists, or ‘accidental journalists,’ providing on-the-spot witness accounts of events as they unfolded. Tourists who would otherwise have been happily filming holiday moments were suddenly recording one of the worst natural disasters in recent times. In addition, in the days after the disaster, social networking sites provided witness accounts for a world-wide audience, helped survivors and family members get in touch and acted as a forum all those involved to share their experiences.
A second terrible event, the London bombings on July 5th 2005, provided another opportunity for citizen journalists to influence the mainstream news agenda. No one was closer to events than those caught up in the bombings, and the footage they provided from their mobile phones was raw and uncompromising. This first-hand view, rather than professionally shot footage from behind police lines, is often more hard-hitting and emotive. An audience used to relatively unmediated reality through the prevalence of reality TV can now see similarly unmediated footage on the news.
The desire for everyone to tell their own story and have their own moment of fame may explain the huge popularity of Facebook, MySpace and other such sites. It also had a more negative outcome in the package of writings, photos and video footage that 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho, an undergraduate at Virginia Tech, mailed into NBC News. Between his first attack, when he shot two people, he sent the package from a local post office, before going on to kill a further 30 people. In his so-called ‘manifesto’ Cho showed his paranoia and obsession, likening himself to Jesus Christ. The reporting of the terrible events at Virginia Tech that day was also affected by citizen journalism, and the footage that student Jamal Albarghouti shot on his mobile phone video camera. Rather than concentrate on saving his own life, he recorded events from his position lying on the ground near the firing. The footage, available on YouTube and CNN brought events home to a worldwide audience. We now expect passers by, witnesses, or even victims, to whip out their camera phones and record events, an instinct almost as powerful as that to save their own or others’ lives. Perhaps the news now seems old-fashioned and somehow staged if it lacks the raw, grainy low-quality footage provided by citizen journalists.
Twitter and flickr came to the forefront during the Mumbai bombings in India in late November 2008. As bombs exploded across the city, the world’s media got up-to date with events through reports on Twitter and Flickr. There were questions raised, however, that by broadcasting their tweets, people may have been putting their own and others’ lives at risk.
It was on Twitter again that the story of the Hudson River plane crash on January 15th 2009 was broken to the world. With a dramatic picture of a plane half sinking in the river, and passengers crowded on the wing awaiting rescue Janis Krun tweeted:
There’s a plane in the Hudson. I’m on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy.
The picture is still available on Twitpic, under ‘Janis Krun’s tweet.’ While national news organisations quickly swung into action, it was the citizen journalist, empowered by social networking sites, that first broke the story.
So who’s keeping the gate?
Are the gatekeepers still fulfilling their old function of deciding what is and isn’t news, and what will and won’t be broadcast? In some ways, yes. You can send in as much UGC to the major news organisations as you want, with no guarantee that any of it will ever be aired. In fact, last year a BBC spokesperson reported that a large proportion of photos sent in to the news unit were of kittens. While this may represent the interest of the audience, or users, it still doesn’t turn the fact that your kitten is really cute into ‘news.’
The way around the gatekeepers is with the independent media on the web. The blogosphere, for example, provides an opportunity for independent, often minority and niche views and news to reach a wide audience. In fact uniting disparate people in ‘micro-communities’ is one of the web’s greatest abilities. How else would all those ice fans communicate without the ‘Ice Chewers Bulletin Board?’ And the only place for those who like to see pictures of dogs in bee costumes is, of course, ‘ the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes.’
On a more serious note, the change in the landscape of the news means that groups who had little access to self-representation before, such as youth groups, low income groups, and various minority groups may, through citizen journalism, begin to find that they too have a voice.
What about the professionals?
Do journalists fear for their jobs now everyone is producing content? It is likely that in future there will be fewer and fewer permanent trained staff at news organisations, leaving a smaller core staff who will manage and process UGC from citizen journalists, sometimes known as ‘crowd sourcing.’ Some believe that the mediators and moderators might eventually disappear too, leaving a world where the media is, finally, unmediated. This does raise concerns however. Without moderation sites could be overrun by bigots or fools, by those who shout loudest, and those who have little else to do but make posts The risk of being dominated by defamatory or racist or other hate-fuelled content raises questions about unmoderated content: ‘free speech’ is great as long as you agree with what everybody is saying!
If there will be fewer jobs for trained journalists, will there also be less profit for the big institutions? This seems unlikely. Although how to ‘monetarise’ UGC – how to make money for both the generator and the host of the content – is still being debated, bigger institutions have been buying up social networking sites for the last few years. Rather than launch their own challenge, they simply buy the site. Flickr is now owned by Yahoo!, YouTube was bought by Google, Microsoft invested in Facebook, and News Corp., owned by Murdoch, bought MySpace.
There is a whole new world out there. With it comes new responsibility. There is enormous potential to expand our view of the world and our understanding of what is happening. Our collective knowledge, and wisdom, should grow. On the other hand, in twenty years time, the news could be overrun by pictures of people’s kittens and a few bigots shouting across message boards at each other.
Sara Mills teaches Media Studies at Helston Community College, Cornwall, and is an AQA examiner.
This article first appeared in MediaMagazine 30, December 2009.


What impact are these changes having on
News stories... ?
Think about the term 'citizen journalism'... ? 
and UGC (user generated content)... ?
The impact and development/growth of 'citizen' journalism has influenced news articles and the way audiences look upon certain ideologies in terms of society. The term "citizen journalist" is to represent the fact that anyone can be a journalist these days due to the development of technology. This is because of the increase and normality of everyone owning smartphones and therefore are able to take high quality pictures and videos as well as being able to upload them onto social networking sites such as; Facebook and/or Twitter; instantly. 
The impact/influence in this has caused everyone to take videos of events taking place therefore meaning that anyone is able to post stories due to the development of the internet. 
This also links in with the recent acknowledgement of UGC (user generated content) as anyone is able to post up information or news stories online and share/have their own personal say. 

The news agenda (choice of news stories that make up the news)... ?

The news agenda (which is the choice or quality of news stories that make up news) is regulated by professionals whos job it is to write and research articles for people to read. We are in the era of user generated content (UGC) where the old divide between institution and audience is being eroded. Now anybody is able to choose an article to write about; and due to social networking websites such as Facebook and 
Twitter, you are able to share them, write/post them and give your opinions based on them and well as receive other peoples opinions on the news story.

The role of professionals in the news... ?

Due to the old divide between institution and audiences being eroded the role of professionals in the news is looked upon as less important as they once were as anyone is able to write articles due to 'citizen journalism' and UGC (user generated content) such as writing posts on Facebook or Twitter.
The role of professionals of course affects the quality of articles as they this is there livelihood whereas 'citizen journalists' are amateur journalists and writers and therefore the quality of the news story may not be of as high of a standard than a proper news article for a paper such as the sun.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

citizen journalism

Rodney King incident:

Born in Sacramento, California, on April, 1965, Rodney King was caught by the Los Angeles police after a high speed chase on March 3rd, 1991. The officers claimed he was taking illegal substances however later was confirmed that he was on no form of drugs. The officers pulled him out of the car and beat him brutally whilst a citizen near by (George Holliday) caught the beating all on videotape.  
The four L.A.P.D. officers involved were indicted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and excessive use of force by a police officer. 

The significance of the Rodney King incident influenced the way which citizens look upon at the police and changed peoples opinions based on them. Citizens thought they were less safe due to the fact that if they cannot even trust the police to rescue them, then who can they trust? 

7/7 bombings: 

The 7th July 2005 bombings (also known as the 7/7 bombings) took place in London as a series of coordinated suicide attacks were used to target civilians using the public transport system during the morning rush hour. The attack killed 52 civilians and over 700 more were injured during this suicide attack. At 8:50am, three bombs were detonated on board London Underground trains fifty seconds apart from one another.

Monday, 23 September 2013


www - sutile argument can see both side.
 well structured and a range of examples.

ebi - more details needed, especially about institutional. theory/quotation.
  1. What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
  2. What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?
  3. List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.
  4. What is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?
  5. What is a gatekeeper?
  6. How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?
  7. What is one of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of UGC?
1. The term "citizen journalist" is to represent the fact that anyone can be a journalist these days due to the development of technology. This is because of the increase and normality of everyone owning smartphones and therefore are able to take high quality pictures and videos as well as being able to upload them onto social networking sites such as; Facebook and/or Twitter; instantly. 

2. One of the first examples of news being generated by ordinary people is the Rodney King controversy which was when Rodney King was abused by L.A.P.D. officers in LA. They attacked him and abused him and put him into hospital. Most of the beating was caught on camera and therefore showed people how racist the L.A.P.D. were/are. 
This caused the riots in LA due to minorities feeling unsafe as they are threatened by the police therefore they don't know who there is to protect them. 

3. News as a whole can be accessed on different platforms. For example, news can be accessed through broadcast media, emedia and print media. 
There are many television shows informing people about whats going on around the world in terms of news. 

4. One of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC) is taken by an ametear otherwise known as a normal everyday passer by whereas professionally shot footage is taken by an expert and therefore is their livelihood. Also, the quality of the professional footage generally is better however with the development of smartphones, citizen journalism footage looks better than it once did.
5. The gatekeeper is the person who looks/regulates 
  1. Was the Twitter boycott an appropriate response to the online threats prominent women were receiving?
  2. Should Twitter have done more in response to those threats?
  3. Should young women in 2013 take an interest in feminism? Do young women need to 'reclaim' feminism?
  4. Why has the internet been effective in feminist campaigns?
  5. What is your opinion on page 3 of the Sun still featuring a half-naked young woman in 2013?

2. Twitter definitely should have done more in response to the threats due to the fact that people should not be able to send death threats to anyone or send threatening messages to women to scare them. Twitter should not be a place were people are allowed to say ANYTHING as it can be hurtful and can cause offence and harm to a number of people. It also scares people who receives death threats. 

3. Young women in 2013 are free to make their own opinions. Now days, youths are quite independent and are strong minded about their own believes and opinions. They therefore are already strong minded hence why I personally don't think young women need to "reclaim" a title of feminism as they can already speak their own minds. I personally don't think young women need to called themselves feminists due to all women not wanting to be objectified anyway. 

4. The internet has been effective in terms of feminist campaigns due to the large number of people who visit certain websites daily. An example of this can be Social networking websites such as Facebook and/or Twitter. Many people; daily; visit these sorts of websites to talk to one another and find out what others are doing. Furthermore feminists in this case are able to share their opinions online and encourage other women to become feminists too as they are hoping promote feminism to others so other women are more involved. 
Also feminists are able to create groups on social networking sites in order to inform others about upcoming feminist meetings and protests. The internet in General has also been effective in feminist campaigns as it's easy for them to inform a large amount of other feminists about campaigns and easy to get support from others due to the large amount of people on the internet. 

5. The suns page 3 has become a huge controversial debate across many people, especially feminists as it encourages men to look upon women as sex objects and also links in with the male gaze theory. However, as the suns page 3 has been around for a very long time it's seen as a norm for many people too. In comparison to other newspapers, the sun is the most popular paper and when I ask others (men) about the sun, they instantly know about page 3. A lot of men look at the page 3 girls but don't take/objectify women as sex objects however due to a minority of men objectifying women, feminists think it has a link. This may be the case in some ways however society doesn't treat others differently just by pictures or their gender. This is only the case as people are brought up as kids and the way in which they are taught about these sorts of things. 
TVCatchup expands service ...with actual catchup TVAs well as live TV, the controversial streaming site now offers catchup from four of the UK's four main broadcasters. By Samuel Gibbs

 Live TV-streaming service TVCatchup has finally introduced a catchup service, offering content for the UK's four major TV broadcasters. Despite its name, TVCatchup has previously only offered live TV streams for most major UK channels after a legal challenge from UK broadcasters suspended its streaming-TV recording service. It has now added content listings for previously broadcast shows on the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel Five, and directs viewers to broadcasters' own on-demand services to watch shows. catch up tv has improved the way in which people view and chose to view certain shows.

 For example, people are able to watch what they want and whenever they want without the need to always be home watching tv when a prgram starts. The article itself promotes the fact that people are adapting the way in which they view content. Due to the popularity of catchup television, a lot of the main broadcasting shows are now allowing catchup tv to be a feature of their broadcasting service in order for their shows to be viewed as they are losing views.

 This new feature allows you to view catchup tv from a number of different channels from one place which would be a big hit. "The collective EPG isn't a new thing - it's been done before in set-top boxes like Tivo, YouView and Freesat - but this is the first time it's been brought to the desktop for on-demand content, and it could be a real boon."

Sunday, 15 September 2013

We have abandoned our children to the internet

Young people are addicted to a virtual world that is designed to keep them hooked with little care for collateral damage
InRealLife Beeban Kidron

The media article is about how teens tend to only interact via social networking and don't get out as much as they should. The writer; Beeban Kidron; talks about her own experiences when she walks into a kitchen and finds half a dozen teens sitting all in silence each on their smartphones. She also goes on to talk about how girls especially look on social networking sites at celebrities and other girls and the fact that they are insecure about their own appearance due to this. 
The ironic part about the article is that the teens she interviewed said they were angered because of their parents not giving them attention due to their own eyes fixed on electronic devices.
companies have gained a ton of money by exploiting young teens due to them being insecure about their figure.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Uk news providers

The Sun is the most polular newspaper in the UK. The newspaper sells around 7,772,000 newpapers daily. The owner of the newspaper is Rupert Murdoch who owns majority of the news which is owned by him. In terms of newspapers; majority of people do not take in their information from newspapers; but in fact get the news from online sources and from watching news shows on the television. The Sun and other newspapers are read by the older generation as they have been reading papers all their lives and prefer this method to get their news. The most popular television show for people to get their news from are from providers such as the BBC and ITV due to the fact that they are considered as trusted sources to recieve news from. The BBC is considered trusted due to the motto which they have which is to Inform, Entertain and to Educate viewers. For this reason, people still get their information from the BBC's news shows and even from the BBC website. Other people access news information and articles via the internet on websites such as the BBC. They also get news from social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook and can become more involved with what they think about the article and what they've seen. It can also be accessed through the use of other technilogical development such as smartphones and tablets. People are able to access news whilst on the go due to devices like these.